12 research outputs found

    Occupy Wall Street: The movement in its third anniversary

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    Peer-reviewedThe emergence of networked social movements in 2011 has opened a new door in the social movements' literature. By adopting a technopolitical and situated approach, in this paper, we explore the case of the Occupy Wall Street movement three years after its formation in September 2011. Through an online survey and a nonprobabilistic sampling procedure, we pay special attention to the perceptions and opinions of the movement's participants. We distinguish seven thematic sections: the relationship with the movement, previous political participation and motivations, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), the emotions experienced, the evolution of the movement, its influence on institutional politics, and its impacts on several aspects of social life. The results show that the respondents (N=522) are overall adherent to the movement and that the majority participated at some point. Most think that the movement still exists in one way or another, and perceive its impact on several areas, institutions, behaviours, and ideas. We conclude by describing OWS as a case that adequately fits the concept of a networked social movement. Finally, we suggest further developments in the understanding of these movements by further applying the online survey designed for this study and complementing analyses via other research methods.La aparici贸n de los movimientos sociales en red en 2011 ha abierto una nueva puerta en la literatura de los movimientos sociales. Al adoptar un enfoque tecnopol铆tico y situado, en este documento, exploramos el caso del movimiento Occupy Wall Street tres a帽os despu茅s de su creaci贸n en septiembre de 2011. A trav茅s de una encuesta en l铆nea y un procedimiento de muestreo no probabil铆stico, prestamos especial atenci贸n a las percepciones y opiniones de los participantes del movimiento. Distinguimos siete secciones tem谩ticas: la relaci贸n con el movimiento, la participaci贸n y motivaciones pol铆ticas previas, el uso de las tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n y comunicaci贸n (TIC), las emociones experimentadas, la evoluci贸n del movimiento, su influencia en la pol铆tica institucional y sus impactos en varios aspectos de la vida social. Los resultados muestran que los encuestados (N = 522) se adhieren en general al movimiento y que la mayor铆a particip贸 en alg煤n momento. La mayor铆a piensa que el movimiento todav铆a existe de una forma u otra, y perciben su impacto en varias 谩reas, instituciones, comportamientos e ideas. Concluimos describiendo OWS como un caso que encaja adecuadamente con el concepto de un movimiento social en red. Finalmente, sugerimos desarrollos adicionales en la comprensi贸n de estos movimientos mediante la aplicaci贸n de la encuesta en l铆nea dise帽ada para este estudio y complementando los an谩lisis a trav茅s de otros m茅todos de investigaci贸n.L'aparici贸 dels moviments socials en xarxa en 2011 ha obert una nova porta en la literatura dels moviments socials. En adoptar un enfocament tecnopol铆tico i situat, en aquest document, explorem el cas del moviment Occupy Wall Street tres anys despr茅s de la seva creaci贸 al setembre de 2011. A trav茅s d'una enquesta en l铆nia i un procediment de mostreig no probabil铆stic, prestem especial atenci贸 a les percepcions i opinions dels participants del moviment. Distingim set seccions tem脿tiques: la relaci贸 amb el moviment, la participaci贸 i motivacions pol铆tiques pr猫vies, l'煤s de les tecnologies d'informaci贸 i comunicaci贸 (TIC), les emocions experimentades, l'evoluci贸 del moviment, la seva influ猫ncia en la pol铆tica institucional i els seus impactes en diversos aspectes de la vida social. Els resultats mostren que els enquestats (N = 522) s'adhereixen en general al moviment i que la majoria va participar en algun moment. La majoria pensa que el moviment encara existeix d'una forma o una altra, i perceben el seu impacte a diverses 脿rees, institucions, comportaments i idees. Concloem descrivint OWS com un cas que encaixa adequadament amb el concepte d'un moviment social en xarxa. Finalment, suggerim desenvolupaments addicionals en la comprensi贸 d'aquests moviments mitjan莽ant l'aplicaci贸 de l'enquesta en l铆nia dissenyada per a aquest estudi i complementant les an脿lisis a trav茅s d'altres m猫todes de recerca

    15M: The movement in its third anniversary

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    Peer-reviewedThe emergence of networked social movements in 2011 has opened a new door in the social movement's literature. By adopting a technopolitical and situated approach, in this paper, we explore the case of the 15M movement three years after its formation in May 2011. Through an online survey and a nonprobabilistic sampling procedure, we pay special attention to the perceptions and opinions of the movement's participants. We distinguish seven thematic sections: the relationship with the movement, previous political participation and motivations, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), the emotions experienced, the evolution of the movement, its influence on elections, and the impacts on several aspects of social life. The results show that the respondents (N=1320) are to a large extent adherent to the movement and largely prompted into action due to political issues. Also, they mostly believe that the movement remains alive yet in new forms, and perceived impacts on different areas, institutions, behaviours, and ideas. We conclude by describing 15M as a case that adequately fits the concept of a networked social movement. Finally, we suggest future steps in the understanding of these movements by further applying the online survey designed for this study and complementing analyses via other research methods.La aparici贸n de movimientos sociales en red en 2011 ha abierto una nueva puerta en la literatura del movimiento social. Al adoptar un enfoque tecnopol铆tico y situado, en este documento, exploramos el caso del movimiento 15M tres a帽os despu茅s de su formaci贸n en mayo de 2011. A trav茅s de una encuesta en l铆nea y un procedimiento de muestreo no probabil铆stico, prestamos especial atenci贸n a las percepciones y opiniones del participantes del movimiento. Distinguimos siete secciones tem谩ticas: la relaci贸n con el movimiento, la participaci贸n y motivaciones pol铆ticas previas, el uso de las tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n y comunicaci贸n (TIC), las emociones experimentadas, la evoluci贸n del movimiento, su influencia en las elecciones y los impactos en varios aspectos de la vida social. Los resultados muestran que los encuestados (N = 1320) se adhieren en gran medida al movimiento y, en gran parte, se los lleva a la acci贸n debido a problemas pol铆ticos. Adem谩s, en su mayor铆a creen que el movimiento sigue vivo con nuevas formas e impactos percibidos en diferentes 谩reas, instituciones, comportamientos e ideas. Concluimos describiendo 15M como un caso que se ajusta adecuadamente al concepto de un movimiento social en red. Finalmente, sugerimos pasos futuros en la comprensi贸n de estos movimientos mediante la aplicaci贸n de la encuesta en l铆nea dise帽ada para este estudio y complementando los an谩lisis a trav茅s de otros m茅todos de investigaci贸n.L'aparici贸 de moviments socials en xarxa en 2011 ha obert una nova porta en la literatura del moviment social. En adoptar un enfocament tecnopol铆tico i situat, en aquest document, explorem el cas del moviment 15M tres anys despr茅s de la seva formaci贸 al maig de 2011. A trav茅s d'una enquesta en l铆nia i un procediment de mostreig no probabil铆stic, prestem especial atenci贸 a les percepcions i opinions del participants del moviment. Distingim set seccions tem脿tiques: la relaci贸 amb el moviment, la participaci贸 i motivacions pol铆tiques pr猫vies, l'煤s de les tecnologies d'informaci贸 i comunicaci贸 (TIC), les emocions experimentades, l'evoluci贸 del moviment, la seva influ猫ncia en les eleccions i els impactes en diversos aspectes de la vida social. Els resultats mostren que els enquestats (N = 1320) s'adhereixen en gran manera al moviment i, en gran part, els hi porta a l'acci贸 a causa de problemes pol铆tics. A m茅s, en la seva majoria creuen que el moviment segueix viu amb noves formes i impactes percebuts en diferents 脿rees, institucions, comportaments i idees. Concloem descrivint 15M com un cas que s'ajusta adequadament al concepte d'un moviment social en xarxa. Finalment, suggerim passos futurs en la comprensi贸 d'aquests moviments mitjan莽ant l'aplicaci贸 de l'enquesta en l铆nia dissenyada per a aquest estudi i complementant les an脿lisis a trav茅s d'altres m猫todes de recerca

    Tecnopol铆tica, redes y ciudadan铆a, septiembre 2018

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Emergencia, evoluci贸n y efectos del movimiento-red 15M (2011-2015). Una aproximaci贸n tecnopol铆tica

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    En la present tesi doctoral es desenvolupa un an脿lisi sobre el moviment 15M des dels seus inicis al 2011, fins al maig del 2015, enfocat en la relaci贸 existent entre el moviment i els usos de les tecnologies de la comunicaci贸 en xarxa. Per realitzar aquest treball s'utilitza una aproximaci贸 multi-metodol貌gica que combina an脿lisi quantitativa, an脿lisi de xarxes i an脿lisi qualitativa, a partir d'entrevistes i un profund treball de camp. La tesi s'estructura en tres parts: l'emerg猫ncia del moviment al 2011, la seva evoluci贸 i transformaci贸 fins al 2015, i els seus efectes electorals en els comicis europeus de 2014 i les eleccions municipals de 2015 a Espanya. De manera transversal, es desenvolupa anal铆tica i conceptualment la noci贸 de moviment-xarxa a partir de la caracteritzaci贸 de les diferents propietats observades del 15M, donant continu茂tat aix铆 a un f猫rtil camp de coneixement entorn als moviments emergents i el paper de les xarxes de comunicaci贸, i la seva potencialitat de transformaci贸 pol铆tica i social.En la presente tesis doctoral se desarrolla un an谩lisis sobre el movimiento 15M desde sus inicios en 2011, hasta mayo de 2015, con el foco puesto en la relaci贸n existente entre el movimiento y los usos de las tecnolog铆as de la comunicaci贸n en red. Para realizar este trabajo se utiliza una aproximaci贸n multi-metodol贸gica que combina an谩lisis cuantitativo, an谩lisis de redes y an谩lisis cualitativo, a partir de entrevistas y un profundo trabajo de campo. El trabajo se estructura en tres partes: la emergencia del movimiento en 2011, su evoluci贸n y transformaci贸n hasta 2015, y sus efectos electorales en los comicios europeos de 2014 y las elecciones municipales de 2015 en Espa帽a. De manera transversal, se desarrolla anal铆tica y conceptualmente la noci贸n de movimiento-red a partir de la caracterizaci贸n de las diferentes propiedades del 15M observadas, dando continuidad as铆 a un f茅rtil campo de conocimiento entorno a los movimientos emergentes y el papel de las redes de comunicaci贸n, y su potencialidad de transformaci贸n pol铆tica y social.In this PhD thesis I develop an analysis on the 15M movement, from May 2011 until May 2015, focusing on the relation between the movement and its uses of networked communication technologies. The work recurs to a multi-methodological approach that combines quantitative, network, and qualitative analysis through interviews and fieldwork. The work is structured in three parts: the emergence of the movement in 2011, its evolution and transformation until 2015, and its electoral effects, both in the 2014 European elections, as well as in the 2015 local elections in Spain. The study develops, in a transversal way, analytically and conceptually, the notion of network-movement. More specifically, it does so through the characterisation of several observed properties of the 15M movement, giving continuity to a fertile field of knowledge currently open around movements emerging since 2011, attending to the role of communication networks, as well as to their potential for political and social transformation

    Mobile ensembles: The uses of mobile phones for social protest by Spain驴s indignados

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    Peer-reviewedDuring the 2011 wave of protests millions of citizens around the globe employed a vastrange of digital media to demand greater democratic freedoms and social justice.Although mobile phones were widely used in all these protests, their significanceremains unclear. This chapter draws from both qualitative and quantitative research toshed light on the recent uses of mobile technologies for social protest, with Spain驴sIndignados (or 15M) movement as the case study. The chapter argues for theimportance of processual analyses of the new protests that situate the uniqueness of each mobile technology and 驴mobile ensemble驴 within a particular moment in thecollective biography of a movement. This approach reveals the importance of smartphones as new articulators of online spaces and occupied physical spaces,especially via Twitter and live streaming

    Dalle reti sociali alle reti (tecno)politiche. Reti di terza generazione per la democrazia del XXI secolo

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    La societ脿 diviene (in) rete. Questa era una delle tesi di Manuel Castells gi脿 sul finire del secolo scorso. Con la spinta di una moltitudine di attori, le reti digitali dispiegate nell'infrastruttura di Internet sono arrivate a permeare sempre pi霉 aspetti delle nostre vite personali e collettive. Il pi霉 recente impatto pu貌 essere rilevato in fenomeni che vanno dalle elezioni che fecero Trump presidente (chiaramente infuenzate da Facebook e Twitter) ai prezzi delle case a Barcellona (determinati da Airbnb), dalle relazioni di lavoro (sviluppate su LinkedIn) a quelle affettive (ridefinite su Tinder). Tuttavia, oltre la diagnosi generale, 猫 importante distinguere diversi tipi di reti, promosse da diversi tipi di attori. L'argomento teorico chiave delineato nel nostro articolo Decidim: redes pol铆ticas y tecnopol铆ticas para la democracia participativa, suggerisce la necessit脿 di differenziare tra diversi tipi di reti cos矛 come di intendere Decidim, la piattaforma digitale di democrazia partecipativa promossa dal Comune di Barcellona, come uno spazio di costruzione di due nuovi tipi di rete

    Framework for democratic governance of distributed architectures: DEcentralised Citizens Owned Data Ecosystem

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    The DECODE (DEcentralized Citizen Owned Data Ecosystems) project turns around three key realities at the core of the current data economy: echnological infrastructures (software and hardware), data, and social actors. It proposes a model of data ecosystems where, in opposition to the current data economy, citizens (both individually and collectively) own, govern, and make the most of their data1. In this deliverable we carry on two main tasks. Firstly and more importantly, we outline a preliminary framework for the democratic governance of distributed ledger technologies (or blockchains) such as DECODE. Otherwise, we focus upon the connection between social actors and DECODE technology, attending primarily to software. We leave the systematic consideration of the democratic governance of data for a later work (D2.5). Secondly, we look at some of the impacts that DECODE technology (specifically, in connection with the Decidim digital platform for participatory democracy) may have upon democratic governance in the network society. In order to accomplish the first task, we explore the various definitions, models and realities of governance as present in various literatures. We do so from a historical, conceptual and methodological viewpoints. We believe it is necessary to properly understand the genealogy and potentialities of this concept (and its linkages with the notions of government and governmentality) in order to explore politics today. Although we distinguish different strands of literature and policy making based on the notion of governance, probably the most relevant one for our exploration is the one tied to New Public Management and neoliberal policies since the 1980s. We also point towards alternative visions, which have called for a democratic governance of society that questions the centrality of representative democracy, corporations and the bureaucratic State: a tradition going from the New Left麓s Port Huron Statement to the alter-globalization movement of the 2000s, up to offshoots of the more recent Occupy and 15M movements

    Co-production of urban climate planning: Insights from the Barcelona climate plan

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    Climate policy co-production represents an emerging institutional arrangement promising to better and fairly involve societal actors in resilience policy-making. Little evidence exists, however, on how climate policy co-production is understood, planned and performed in cities. This article sheds light on these co-production processes through an in-depth analysis of the case study of the Barcelona Climate Plan. While traditional forms of public engagement such as face-to-face workshops served to collect most proposals from organizations, new tools such as the digital platform resulted in increased lay citizen involvement and process transparency. Participants, including organizers of the co-production process, did not share a clear understanding of what co-production was about, which can endanger the fulfilment of the goals. These findings shed light over effective and limiting procedural and conceptual aspects for co-production of urban climate policies and guide a critical discussion over the added value and the transformative potential of the co-production approach to reframe urban climate resilience planning in cities

    Deliberative platform design: the case study of the online discussions in Decidim Barcelona

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    Comunicaci贸 presentada a la SocInfo 2017: 9th International Conference on Social Informatics, celebrada els dies 13 a 15 de setembre de 2017 a Oxford, Regne Unit.With the irruption of ICTs and the crisis of political representation, many online platforms have been developed with the aim of improving participatory democratic processes. However, regarding platforms for online petitioning, previous research has not found examples of how to effectively introduce discussions, a crucial feature to promote deliberation. In this study we focus on the case of Decidim Barcelona, the online participatory-democracy platform launched by the City Council of Barcelona in which proposals can be discussed with an interface that combines threaded discussions and comment alignment with the proposal. This innovative approach allows to examine whether neutral, positive or negative comments are more likely to generate discussion cascades. The results reveal that, with this interface, comments marked as negatively aligned with the proposal were more likely to engage users in online discussions and, therefore, helped to promote deliberative decision making.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Mar铆a de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme (MDM-2015-0502)

    Deliberative platform design: The case study of the online discussions in Decidim Barcelona

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    With the irruption of ICTs and the crisis of political representation, many online platforms have been developed with the aim of improving participatory democratic processes. However, regarding platforms for online petitioning, previous research has not found examples of how to effectively introduce discussions, a crucial feature to promote deliberation. In this study we focus on the case of Decidim Barcelona, the online participatory-democracy platform launched by the City Council of Barcelona in which proposals can be discussed with an interface that combines threaded discussions and comment alignment with the proposal. This innovative approach allows to examine whether neutral, positive or negative comments are more likely to generate discussion cascades. The results reveal that, with this interface, comments marked as negatively aligned with the proposal were more likely to engage users in online discussions and, therefore, helped to promote deliberative decision making